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Tracking Anti-Democratic Legislation

Tracking Anti-Democratic Legislation

The Knesset has been in session for more than two months. And the Netanyahu government is plowing ahead with its anti-democratic agenda. Netanyahu and his ministers have already developed a raft of legislation that actively eats away at the core of Israel’s democracy....

Shrinking Ben-Gvir’s Powers Over the Police

Shrinking Ben-Gvir’s Powers Over the Police

Earlier this month, the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) and the Adalah Center won a victory for democracy. Itamar Ben-Gvir, as a part of his coalition agreement to join Prime Minister Netanyahu’s government, had been promised significant and expanded...

Come work with us! NIFC is hiring a Communications Coordinator

Come work with us! NIFC is hiring a Communications Coordinator

About the New Israel Fund of Canada The New Israel Fund of Canada (NIFC) advances and defends democracy and equality in Israel. Since 1986, NIFC has helped contribute over $300 million to more than 900 organizations in Israel that fight for socio-economic equality,...

It’s Time to Believe in Our Own Strength

It’s Time to Believe in Our Own Strength

By Mickey Gitzin, NIF Director in Israel The following was first published in Haaretz in Hebrew. It has been translated, edited and abridged for NIF. You can find the full original Hebrew here. ~ What is a state? A state is an idea, a system of institutions, and a...

Blocking Settlement and Annexation in the West Bank

Blocking Settlement and Annexation in the West Bank

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons With the ongoing, devastating war in Gaza, many in the diaspora and Israel have not been focused on the dramatic rise in settler violence. According to NIFC project partner Yesh Din, 2023 was the worst year for settler violence in...

Sending Food and Aid to Gaza’s Civilians

Sending Food and Aid to Gaza’s Civilians

Photo Credit: Mati Milstein for NIF As the humanitarian situation in Gaza deteriorated last year, NIF's global network took the unusual step of raising funds to help feed innocent people in Gaza. We identified two international aid organizations who were best...

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