(New Generations) Giving Circle

The NIFC New Generations Leadership Council is excited to invite all New Gen (20s and 30s) supporters to our annual Giving Circles: Tuesday, March 4th 7 PM Eastern on Zoom Monday, March 10th 6:30 PM Schmooze and light refreshments, 7:00 PM Start time Dupont & Christie (exact location provided upon registration) What is a Giving […]

Education for Social Change: Hand in Hand: Center for Jewish-Arab Education in Israel

CSI Spadina 192 Spadina Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

A Conversation with Palestinian and Jewish Hand in Hand Leaders Thursday, March 6, 2025 7:00-8:30 pm The Center for Social Innovation, Room 101 192 Spadina Ave Light refreshments will be served after the event. As discussions of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict grow ever more polarized and painful, one groundbreaking initiative offers a powerful and practical model […]

What do Israelis (and Palestinians) Really Believe?

Temple Sholom 7190 Oak St, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

A conversation with Dr. Dahlia Scheindlin, Israeli public opinion expert Wednesday, March 12th at 7:00 PM Temple Sholom Synagogue, 7190 Oak Street, Vancouver *Advance registration required to attend. Please register below* The past two years have been some of the most tumultuous in Israel's political history, with widespread mass protests about democracy, hostages, war, and […]

Peace and Populism: How the Rise of Illiberalism Threatens Peace and Democracy

Please join us and our partners JSpace Canada and Canadian Friends of Peace Now this spring for a multi-city conference featuring leading thinkers in policy and social change. >>> CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TO GET TICKETS <<< Much of the world is experiencing democratic backsliding, including Israel. As Canada prepares for a federal […]