Frequently Asked Questions
How does NIFC operate?
The New Israel Fund of Canada is a Registered Canadian Charitable Organization. NIFC uses rigorous guidelines in selecting our projects. We evaluate our projects diligently and frequently, in compliance with Canada Revenue Agency guidelines.
NIFC works with organizations that share our fundamental values- justice and equality for every Israeli, as well as freedom of speech, conscience and dissent. In addition to organizational effectiveness, NIFC partner organizations must meet the following standards:
- Legal status as an Israeli “amuta”- a registered NGO meeting the legal requirements of the Israeli government.
- Respect and support for the democratic nature of the State of Israel.
- Refrain from partisan political activity.
- Refrain from advocating violence or the destruction of the State of Israel.
- Refrain from using racist or derogatory language or designations about any group based on their religion, race, ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation.
Is NIFC a "peace group?"
How is NIFC governed, and how does its process work?
Our process begins in Israel where the NIF office accepts applications that are reviewed by staff, then by the relevant sub-Committees. These and other Board Committees are composed of members of the NIF International Board, members of an International Advisory Committee, and other non-board members who have a familiarity with the Israeli non-profit sector and are experts in NIF issue areas.
The funding Committees make detailed recommendations to the Board, which then considers which projects to approve. NIFC then selects the projects that its annual budget will fund. They are then selectively approved by the NIFC Board of Directors. NIFC consistently monitors the use of funds in organizations’ activities to ensure that funds are being utilized effectively, efficiently, and for the purpose for which the project was approved. Partner organizations include grassroots community-based NGOs as well as regional and national professional organizations, and cover a diverse range of issues assisting all sectors of Israeli society.
NIFC publicizes its activities in our annual report and on our website.
Does NIFC do any work in Canada?
How does NIFC raise its annual budget?
What is SHATIL?
NIFC is at philanthropy’s cutting edge in large part because of SHATIL, New Israel Fund’s Initiative for Social Change (formerly known as NIF’s Training and Empowerment Center for Social Change Organizations). Founded in 1982 to complement NIF, SHATIL’s mission is to provide organizations with hands-on assistance and training in the basics of non-profit management.
As a capacity-building center for grassroots organizations, SHATIL provides tools that empower its clients to improve their lives and communities and build effective, innovative institutions. Widely regarded as one of the world’s most successful capacity building centers, SHATIL regularly originates, discovers and disseminates best practices to Israel’s growing NGO sector. More than 1000 organizations are currently receiving assistance from SHATIL.
Now officially recognized by the United Nations, SHATIL has evolved, launching forward-thinking programs, building coalitions, and working at the forefront of progressive movements in Israel.
With more than 100 ethnically diverse professionals working in Jerusalem, Haifa, Be’er Sheva, Lod and the “Triangle” (a concentration of Israeli Arab towns and villages north of the West Bank), SHATIL embodies a bottom-up, community organizing approach, reaching out to constituencies on the economic and geographic periphery, helping them create and run their own programs when existing institutions fail to act, and maximizing their strength by building coalitions among them.
What is your Charitable Tax Number and name?
13007 0626 RR0001
What is NIFC’s position on boycott, divestment and sanctions?
The New Israel Fund of Canada is committed to strengthening democracy in Israel, supports freedom of speech, and promotes non-violent means of expression of belief and conscience. We oppose any attempt to criminalize the legitimate expression of support for any non-violent strategy or tactic, including the global BDS movement which we do not ourselves support.
NIFC does not support the global (or general) BDS movement, views the use of these tactics as counterproductive, and is concerned that segments of this movement seek to undermine the existence of the state of Israel as a Jewish homeland.
NIFC will not fund global BDS activities against Israel nor support organizations that have global BDS programs.
However, NIFC opposes the occupation and settlement activities. NIFC will thus not exclude support for organizations that lawfully discourage the purchase of goods or use of services from settlements.
Learn more about our partnership criteria below.
What are NIFC's criteria for funding?
NIFC’s Criteria for Partnership and Support
- Compliance with the laws of the State of Israel
- Respect for the principles of the New Israel Fund, New Israel Fund of Canada, and compliance with our policies and procedures
- Relevance to NIF and NIFC strategic priorities, including:
- A focus on social change;
- Strengthening Israel’s democratic values and institutions;
- Missions that fall within one of NIFC’s six general issue areas: Social and Economic Justice, Religious Freedom, Civil and Human Rights, Shared Society and Combating Racism, Palestinian Citizens of Israel, and New Initiatives for Democracy.
- Non-profit status
- Registration as an “amuta” or a company for the benefit of the public;
- Publicly available bylaws;
- Audited financial reports;
- Confirmation of proper accounting procedures as required by Israeli tax authorities and possession of a certificate of tax-withholding at source
- Compliant with charitable law in Canada and Israel, NIFC does not support partisan political activity.
Organizations that engage in the following activities will not be eligible for NIFC partnership:
- Participate in partisan political activity.
- Promote anti-democratic values.
- Support the 1967 occupation and subsequent settlement activity.
- Violate the human rights of any group or individual, advocate human rights selectively for one group over another, and/or reject the principle of the universality of human rights.
- Condone or promote violence or use violent tactics.
- Employ racist or derogatory language or designations about any group based on their religion, race, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation.
- Works to deny the right of the Jewish people to sovereign self-determination within Israel, or to deny the rights of Palestinian or other non-Jewish citizens to full equality within a democratic Israel.
- Engage in activities at odds with the positions, principles, or vision of the New Israel Fund.
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