2023 Annual Report
Year 2023 was the worst year in Israeli history. Under the most extreme government ever, Israeli civil society fought back attacks on democracy and then continued after October 7th to fight for the hostages, democracy, Jewish-Arab partnership, and a safer future for all. Thanks to the incredible generosity of donors like you, NIFC doubled our fundraising and reached thousands more Canadians with a message of Israeli resilience and hope.
A message from NIFC’s President
I am writing this in 2024, but 2023 hasn’t ended — for any of us.
As I think back on the past year, from the early days of the pro-democracy demonstrations through the trauma and devastating aftermath of October 7th, it’s clear that we have been tested like never before.
And we are still far from turning the page – on the ongoing hostage crisis and the losses of Israeli soldiers and civilians, on the ongoing violence in the West Bank, on the unimaginable humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza as well as the one unfolding in Lebanon, and on the relentless onslaught by an extremist government against Israel’s democracy.
Throughout these overlapping crises, we responded flexibly and nimbly, while continuing and in fact intensifying the core work of promoting and actively supporting a just, secure and peaceful vision for Israeli society, never losing sight of the Israel that can be.
I am so proud of the way our NIFC community has stepped up through these crises. It was the tremendous support of people like you that enabled us to contend with the gravest challenges in Israel’s history. You were there to help stall the worst of the government’s designs to enfeeble the judiciary. You were there to push back on the radical settler agenda. And you have been with us in the darkest days, helping us to meet the multi-faceted and rapidly shifting needs created by the October 7th attack and the ensuing war. You helped NIF’s grants to its partners more than double in 2023.
And they will grow even more, thanks to your partnership. As we look to the future, we stand firm in our role and in the knowledge that—with your help—we will continue to provide a moral compass, to safeguard the values of equality and democracy, and to advance a vision of a better future for all.
Linda Hershkovitz
President, New Israel Fund of Canada

38 events, 1,200 people
In 2023, we ran 38 events across the country and online, providing Canadians the opportunity to hear from Israeli and Palestinian activists, and, in the days after October 7th, to gather together.

$1 million+ in funding
In 2023, we sent over $1 million to organizations in Israel that fight for socio-economic equality, religious freedom, civil and human rights, shared society and anti-racism, Palestinian citizens, and democracy itself — including nearly $250,000 in emergency funding.

Democratic Pushback & Emergency Safety Net
In 2023, NIFC mobilized our community twice to support urgent needs in Israel: first, the Democratic Pushback campaign to defend Israeli democracy, and then the Emergency Safety Net, NIF’s response in the wake of October 7th.

Emergency Safety Net: NIF’s Response in the Wake of October 7th
In the wake of October 7th, the New Israel Fund global community mobilized resources and staff around the world to meet the immense needs of the moment. NIF provided aid to Jewish and Arab Israelis; supported organizations and campaigns advocating for the hostages in Gaza; worked to safeguard human and civil rights in Israel and the occupied West Bank; and to advance a shared, peaceful future. NIF’s Emergency Safety Net focused on the following critical areas:
Humanitarian aid & basic needs
Assisting communities evacuated from their homes after the Hamas attacks, and weak and vulnerable populations including Negev Bedouin and migrant workers, many of whom lacked proper shelters, and providing mental health support and trauma counseling.
Providing an alternative vision for Israel’s future
Formulating policy proposals and developing new ideas and leaders that can advance a peaceful, equitable vision for Israeli democracy in the near and long term.
Bolstering Jewish-Arab relations
Preventing escalation in shared Jewish-Arab cities and areas of potential tension; preserving the space for a shared society.
Safeguarding human & civil rights
Ensuring that freedom of speech and expression are protected; raising awareness about escalating violence toward Palestinians and activists in the occupied West Bank; and tracking and combatting incitement, racism, and fake news online.
Over 1,200 people across the country enjoyed our events in 2023.
We held 38 events in person and online throughout 2023, including a cross-country speakers tour, film screening, panels of expert Israelis and Palestinians, emergency briefings, and just days after October 7th, the 13th Annual Shira Herzog Symposium.

Providing Emergency Humanitarian Aid
In 2023, following the horrific events of October 7th, we issued emergency funding to the Tzedek Centers to provide essential humanitarian aid and basic services to communities that were evacuated from Israel’s South following the Hamas attacks.

Blocking Harmful Anti-Democratic Legislation
In 2023, in response to a petition by the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, representing 38 organizations, Israel’s Supreme Court struck down an amendment to the “reasonableness clause”—the cornerstone of the government’s plan to overhaul the judiciary and remove basic checks and balances in Israel’s governing system.

Safeguarding Human Rights in the West Bank
In 2023, we worked to combat settler violence, which soared last year, and even more so after October 7th, by supporting Israeli activists working side by side with Palestinians. Our project partner Breaking the Silence educated thousands of young Israelis about the human rights situation in the occupied Palestinian territories, based on information from the testimonies of former soldiers.

Providing a Home for the Religious Left
In 2023, we supported the launch of a new group formed by religious progressives (Hasmol Ha’emuni, or the Faithful Left) that opposes the government’s agenda as well as the racism and extremism prevalent in some ultraOrthodox and religious Zionist circles. The group’s inaugural conference reached full capacity at 700 participants.
Our Projects in 2023
Your generosity last year funded over $1 million this year towards our project partners in Israel — all registered Israeli not-for-profit organizations — fulfilling our mission to promote democracy and equality in Israel. Since our founding in 1986, we have distributed over $13 million to projects in Israel.
Abraham Initiatives
Shared Cities Initiative
The Abraham Initiatives is a shared society organization that models solutions for equal and positive Jewish-Arab relations in Israel. In 2023, Abraham Initiatives anticipated major efforts to roll back rights for Palestinian citizens and to demonize Jewish-Arab partnership. The Abraham Initiatives educates municipal leaders in how municipal authorities in “mixed cites” can close gaps in budgets, services, and decision-making for Jewish and Arab residents jointly – and how the local level can be a bulwark for safeguarding minority rights and preventing intercommunal violence.
This project worked with municipal leaders of Jewish-Arab mixed cities to protect Jewish-Arab partnership and equality at the local level.
aChord Center
Protest Research
The aChord Center is a social research organization with expertise in mapping Israeli social divides and crafting messages to overcome them. This project mapped and identified the issues and messages that could broaden the scope of participants and sharpen its effectiveness. The results were provided to civil society organizations, including the protest leaders themselves.
Litigation and Media Outreach to Protect and Defend the Human Rights of Arab Bedouin Citizens of Israel living in the Naqab (Negev)
Adalah is the leading Palestinian legal center and human rights organization based in Israel and the sole Palestinian-run organization that works before Israeli courts to protect the human rights of Palestinians in Israel. In 2023, Adalah anticipated major efforts to displace Bedouin communities in the Negev-Naqab by the central government. Legal interventions can critically delay and even prevent unfair demolitions of impoverished communities’ homes and livelihoods.
This project defended the residents of unrecognized and newly-recognized Bedouin villages through litigation and advocacy.
The Alliance for Israel's Future
The Faithful Left (Smol Emuni)
In reaction to emboldened religious ultranationalists in Israel, a group of educators with roots in the National Religious, ultra-Orthodox, and other communities saw the need to counter growing extremism. “The Faithful Left” hosted an initial star-studded conference in January 2023, then continued their education. The project educated Israelis about the diversity of perspectives and peoples who identify as religious, and ultimately, to challenge extremist voices.
The Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI)
Protecting Social and Economic Rights
ACRI’s pursuit of economic and social justice for all is anchored in Israel’s basic law protecting human dignity.
This project used litigation and advocacy defend the rights of citizens, residents and asylum seekers in Israel related to health, education, and the welfare system.
Breaking the Silence
Educating Young People on the Occupation
Breaking the Silence is an organization of veteran combatants who have served in the Israeli military since the start of the second intifada. They work to stimulate public debate about the price paid for a reality in which young soldiers rule over a civilian population and control Palestinians’ everyday lives. For most young Jewish Israelis, discussion of the occupation is absent from Israel’s education system; military service will be their first encounter with Palestinian and the reality of the occupation.
This project educated students and educators about human rights in the Occupied Territories in both formal and informal settings, such as youth group chapters and high schools.
Fake Reporter
Protecting Israeli Citizens and Democracy Online
FakeReporter exposes malicious online activity aimed at democratic systems, inauthentic influence campaigns, fraud, hate speech, incitement, conspiracies, and lies. FakeReporter exposes the mechanisms and actors behind online malicious activity, assists activists and organizations under attack, increases the accountability of tech companies and involvement of civil servants, as well as provides real time crisis response.
This project proactively combated online incitement and digital organizing by extremists by empowering the public to report and expose malicious online activity.
Free Jerusalem
Educating Israelis about the Inflammatory Flag March
In reaction to the inflammatory Flag March held annually in Jerusalem, Free Jerusalem led a coalition of organizations that will raise awareness of the harm done by the march. The coalition held a demonstration in the center of Jerusalem, and members included Ir Amim, Standing Together, Breaking the Silence, Tag Meir, the Kol Haneshama congregation, Emek Shaveh, and Looking the Occupation in the Eye. This advocacy project challenged extremist voices and broadened the participation of Israelis who oppose the Flag March in its current form.
Haqel: In Defense of Human Rights
Emergency Human Rights Monitoring in Area C of the West Bank
After Israeli settlers violently rampaged in the Palestinian village of Huwara, NIFC responded to protect against further settler and military violence in Area C by funding this emergency project with Jewish-Arab human rights group Haqel. This project immediately increased monitoring, legal aid, and advocacy for Palestinian residents, particularly in the South Hebron Hills, Bethlehem area, and the northern West Bank.
The Heschel Center for Sustainability
Sustainability Partnerships Program
The Heschel Center for Sustainability promotes sustainable values, planning, and living for a just society. This leadership program was a collaboration between the Heschel Center, A Place for Change, and the Arava Institute that fosters long-term collaborations between progressive organizations that work in different fields. The program educated 20+ individuals from eight organizations over nine months to study social change successes around the world and to craft joint campaigns on gender equality, labor rights, religious freedom, and especially Jewish-Arab partnership.
This project developed stronger future Israeli civil society leaders through a year-long leadership program that deepened collaborations between social change groups.
Israel Hofsheet (Be Free Israel)
Center for Training and New Initiatives
Israel Hofsheet is the leading grassroots advocacy organization fighting for religious freedom. In 2023, Israel Hofsheet anticipated major efforts to roll back a wide swath of women’s and LGBTQ rights and to advance religious control over public spaces. Their training centre educated local-level and especially young leaders in how their city councils and municipal authorities set policy on these issues – and how the local level can be a bulwark for protecting religious freedom and gender equality.
This project trained train local and young leaders at the municipal level to protect religious freedom.
The National Committee for the Arab Local Authorities in Israel
Supporting the Bereaved Families of Crime-Related Violence
The National Committee for the Arab Local Authorities in Israel is an umbrella organization of the Palestinian local authorities in Israel. It is the only organization of Palestinian citizens in Israel that enjoys legitimacy among and the cooperation of the Palestinian public and decision-makers.
In response to a year of unprecedented levels of violence in the Palestinian minority in Israel — and to a lack of government response — this project supported the families of victims by creating forums of bereaved families across the country. The forums allowed families to connect with and support each other, and to coordinate how to raise the profile of this issue.
Shatil's Developing New Young Palestinian Leadership
Shatil is the operating department of NIF in Israel and is committed to fostering new civil society leaders in Israel, especially among Palestinian citizens. Within the Israeli-Arab sector, many young people are motivated – but struggle — to address skyrocketing crime, poor post-secondary opportunities, institutional discrimination, women’s equality, and more. In response, Shatil in 2022 piloted Rawabit (Connections), a year-long leadership program designed to develop young Palestinians who have the potential to lead social change from within. In addition to trainings, each participant will led a new initiative in their community.
This project developed stronger future Palestinian civil society leaders through a year-long, intensive leadership course.
Shatil's Forum Against Women's Exclusion
Combatting Anti-Feminist Legislation in the Public Sphere
Shatil is the operating department of NIF in Israel. Shatil has been promoting women’s rights since its inception 40 years ago. In 2018, Shatil created the Forum against the Exclusion of Women, a coalition of 14 organizations from across the religious spectrum. The Forum coordinates the efforts of these leading Israeli organizations to combat the exclusion of women at public events, in the school system, within the army, in media, academia, and elsewhere in Israeli society.
This project coordinated the Forum Against the Exclusion of Women as they responded to legislation, policy changes, and public debate.
Audited Financial Statements
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