On February 29th, a group of New Generations (20s and 30s) donors met online for a Giving Circle — a process in which a group decides together which NIFC project partner will receive its pooled donations. The group, led by the New Generations Leadership Council, raised over $800 from generous New Gen donors.

The participants had deep conversations about their own giving, how to contribute to social change, and which issues in Israel-Palestine they want to contribute to, especially in this post-October 7th moment and amidst ongoing war and destruction in Gaza. They learned about NIFC’s project partners and investigated which ones resonated most based on factors like target population, theory of change, and size of the organization. The group broke into three breakouts to decide their top-ranked project, then came together to discuss and ultimately, to vote.

After a selection process, the group unanimously chose the Yesh Din project “Law Enforcement on Settler Violence” as the recipient of their donation.

Yesh Din is an Israeli human rights organization working to end the occupation and to provide legal assistance to Palestinians whose rights have been violated. In recent years, there has been a sharp escalation of violence committed by settlers, with the help of Israeli security forces – acts which are almost always committed with total impunity. The situation has gotten worse since October 7th and Yesh Din and other human rights organizations have documented several instances where the ceaseless violence against Palestinian communities has led to their displacement from their land. This project will increase accountability for settler violence by documenting events in the field, representing victims in court, and providing research to policymakers.

We are proud that our New Gen community chose to direct its support to this extremely important project.