By Ben Murane, Executive Director




As we enter a new Jewish year and look ahead to yet another round of elections in Israel, it is clear that the only sustainable path forward for a democratic Israel is one in which Jews and Arabs coexist peacefully in a truly shared society. The “government of change” proved to Israelis that diverse groups could find common ground and that Arab-Jewish partnership at the highest levels is achievable.

True shared society in Israel is more complicated than simple slogans. Join us on October 23rd to unpack this topic with our all-Palestinian panel at the 12th Annual Shira Herzog Symposium: Shared Society Beyond Slogans.

Now is the time to deepen our commitment to partnership between all communities living in Israel, so that we can continue to bridge social and economic divides and reduce the potential for tension and violence between communities.

No matter the opportunity, the challenge, or the results of the next election, your donation will enable NIF to continue to stand together with those who are working to make Israel a more just, equal, and peaceful society.

Your generosity means leveling the playing field. Currently, fewer than 1% of Palestinian citizens of Israel hold senior positions even when they are in decision-making roles. By funding organizations with expertise in different sectors, we will together increase representation in the civil service, social services, planning, media, and politics.

With your support, we are transforming Jewish-Palestinian mixed cities, bringing neighbours with common interests together who would not otherwise have met. Together we are demonstrating the positive impact Arabs and Jews can have when uniting for political change.

Your donation funds vital training for Arab and Jewish leaders who are working towards the shared goal of a just and equitable society for future generations.

“Even with all my professional and activist experience, this training introduced me to worlds I had never encountered. I met representatives from organizations I never knew existed.”
Toha Haddad, Omnia – Palestinian women’s organisation in Lod-Ramle

The people and projects you support to fight for a better, fairer future are here to stay. Together, we create a fairer and better Israel for all.

Thank you for all your support and for advancing Arab-Jewish partnership.

Wishing you, your family, and all close to you, a sweet, happy, and healthy New Year.

Support shared society in Israel