By Hannah Cohen, Director of Operations and Programs

I’ve just returned home to Toronto after an eight-day trip to Israel-Palestine staffing the Naomi Chazan Fellowship Trip. Despite the jetlag — and very gloomy Toronto weather — I am returning feeling motivated and energized by what our group saw on the trip, the activists we met, and above all, the commitment, enthusiasm, and thoughtfulness of the 19 participants in their 20s and 30s from Canada, the US, Australia, and the UK.

In the coming weeks and months, our 2023 Canadian Fellows, Sarah Broitman, Eli Speigel, Alex Richler, and Pauley Tedoff, will share more with you about what they learned and what they plan to do with it.

Check out this album with photos and descriptions of each day of our trip.

Thanks to the support of our NIFC community, this year we were able to send four young Canadian Jews to Israel-Palestine to witness the work of NIF partner organizations on the ground. After spending eight days with this group of young leaders, I am more confident than ever in this investment in the future of the Canadian Jewish community.

Click here for more photos and notes from each day of the trip.