After October 7th: Conference Speakers & Co-presenters

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Mauricio Lapchik is the Director of External Relations and Development of Peace Now. Born in Montevideo, Uruguay, in 1991, Mauricio moved to Israel in 2013 to pursue his studies in Political Science and Comparative Religion at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He graduated with a Master’s degree in 2021 and shortly after joined the Peace Now staff. As a passionate and dedicated advocate for human rights and social justice, Mauricio has been actively involved in the struggle against the occupation after moving to Israel a decade ago. During the last few years, he has focused his professional efforts on promoting and achieving a just peace through his work at Peace Now. In his role as Director of External Relations and Development, Mauricio is responsible for building and maintaining relationships with key stakeholders, including diplomatic officials, media, NGOs, and other organizations working in this sphere.

Dr. Gil Murciano is the CEO of the Israel-based think-tank Mitvim – the Israeli Institute for Regional Foreign Policies. His diverse experience with the geopolitics of the Middle-East is the basis upon which he experiments with core concepts of global security and foreign policy. Between 2017-2021, he served as an expert on Israel’s foreign policy and national security at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) and led a Berlin-based policy initiative which aims to turn members of the Middle-Eastern diaspora into foreign policy advisers (Techne). He also served as a Fox Fellow at Yale University and still serves as a contributing member to the Israeli-Arab King’s College-based Atkin Fellowship Network. He received his PhD from the Freie Universität Berlin. His dissertation analyses the influence of honor as a distinct factor in peace negotiations in the Middle East. Before moving to Berlin, he worked as a senior foreign policy analyst at the Tel-Aviv-based Reut Institute for Strategic Thinking (currently known as The Reut Group).

Nadav Weiman was born and raised in Tel Aviv. During his army service, he served in a sniper’s team in the special forces of the Nahal brigade, where he attained the rank of staff sergeant. He studied Democratic Education at Seminar Hakibbutzim College in Tel Aviv. He worked as a high school history and literature teacher and was the legal guardian and counselor for a home for underprivileged teens in Tel Aviv. Nadav first joined Breaking the Silence as a Testifier-Activist in 2012 and later served as the coordinator of the Testifier-Activist program. In 2016 Nadav became Breaking the Silence’s Director of Education and from 2018 to 2020 he served as the organization’s Advocacy Director. Currently Nadav serves as one of the organization’s Educational Training Officer.

Luiz Aberbuj was born in Porto Alegre, Brazil and grew up in the local Jewish community. A graduate of Habonim Dror youth movement, and from the “Training Year for Instructors and Leadership Abroad/ Machon Le’Madrichim”, a program in which he participated through the Youth movement and also worked as an instructor. Immigrated to Israel in 2014, then enlisted in the Nachshon Regiment, Kfir Brigade, served between 2014 and 2016, spending most of the service in the West Bank, Gaza and Lebanon Borders. He is currently studying Political Science at Bar Ilan University, and also worked as an educational coordinator for Israel/South America gap year programs. Nowadays he works as Breaking the Silence’s Jewish Diaspora Educational Coordinator.

Rebecca Metzer is the Director of International Relations at Gisha. Rebecca has previously worked on Breaking the Silence’s advocacy team and in resource development at Kayan Feminist Organization, a Palestinian feminist NGO based in Haifa. Originally from London, UK, she worked as a support worker at Jewish Women’s Aid, the UK’s domestic abuse organization for the Jewish community. She holds a BA and an MPhil in Philosophy from Trinity College, Cambridge University, and an MA in Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies from Hebrew University.

Recognizing the unbreakable bond between the Jewish people and Israel, as well as the commitment to make our own society better, Ameinu Canada mobilizes those Jews who seek opportunities to foster social and economic justice both in Israel, in Canada and globally. As Zionists, we understand that a secure peace between Israel and its neighbours is essential to the survival of a democratic Jewish state. With this in mind, Ameinu Canada builds support within the Canadian Jewish community for a negotiated two-state solution.

Hashomer Hatzair – Camp Shomria provides a welcoming and empowering home for Jewish youth to lead themselves, each other, and their communities with agency and integrity to build a better world.



Camp Gesher is a progressive summer camp and year-round community creating vibrant Jewish life for children ages 7-18. Our unique participatory, youth-led model creates a lively, profound and empowering experience, where campers can be themselves, build community, and bring the change they want to see in the world. We aim to create a vibrant, inclusive environment for all expressions of Jewish life. We root our understandings of justice and change in Jewish values and tradition. We’re committed to a vision of Israel as a progressive and democratic society.

Meretz Canada — Progressive Zionists for peace, equality, democracy, and pluralism. Part of the World Union of Meretz.