After October 7th: Conference Schedule

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12:30 pm Registration opens
1:00 – 2:30 pm Opening Session: Unpacking the Dangerous Pre-October 7th Misconceptions

The horrific Hamas terror attacks on October 7th have left Israelis hurt, traumatized, and feeling unsafe. As 134 hostages still remain in captivity in Gaza, and as a war rages on, more and more Israelis are taking to the streets, blaming Netanyahu for the events of October 7th and the lack of progress on a hostage deal. 

What were the security and foreign policy conceptions that failed? How did these core beliefs within Israeli society and the halls of power lead to October 7th? Could the attacks have been prevented? Can future attacks be prevented through a different understanding of the dynamics in the region?

Emceed by Linda Hershkovitz

Opening remarks by Ben Murane

Panel discussion with Rebecca Metzer, Nadav Weiman, Mauricio Lipchik, and Dr. Gil Murciano and moderated by Maytal Kowalski

2:45 – 3:45 pm Workshops 
1. Resisting De Facto Annexation, Promoting the Two-State Solution: Peace Now’s Vision and Actions Towards a Better Path Forward

With Mauricio Lipchick of Peace Now
Moderated by Gabriella Goliger

Since October 7th, the Netanyahu-Smotrich-Ben Gvir government has continued, and even accelerated, its trend of land grabs, establishment of new illegal outposts, and provocations in the West Bank. In this session, Mauricio will delve into the dynamics behind these actions, highlighting their impact on the prospects for a two-state solution. He will outline Peace Now’s vision for achieving a two-state solution and discuss the critical role of  the movement and the Israeli peace camp in promoting meaningful progress. Drawing on insights from Peace Now’s renowned Settlement Watch team, Mauricio will offer strategic perspectives on countering annexation efforts and advancing the cause of a two-state solution. 

2. Presenting the Israeli Initiative: A Roadmap for Long-Term Security 

With Dr. Gil Murciano of Mitvim: The Israeli Institute for Regional Foreign Affairs
Moderated by Esther Enkin

The Israeli Initiative aims to turn the tragedy of October 7th and the ensuing war into a political turning point between Israel, the Palestinians, and the Arab World. This three-phase roadmap stands out as the first comprehensive alternative published in Israel since the beginning of the war. It serves as a feasible policy plan for those who have long opposed the government’s policies and its unwillingness to offer, or even deal with, political planning for the day after.

3. Myths and Facts about Gaza: The Past, the Present, and How We Move Forward 

With Rebecca Metzer of Gisha: The Legal Center for Freedom of Movement
Moderated by Jon Allen

Under the fog of war, and with the propaganda machines on overdrive on all sides, it’s hard to parse out what is fact and what is fiction, what is meant to harm, and what is meant to provide solutions. Rebecca Metzer, Director of International Relations of Gisha, will separate myth from fact, and offer practical steps Israel, its partners on the ground, and its international allies can take to alleviate the suffering. 

4. This is How We Fought in Gaza: Rethinking Israel’s Military Strategy

With Nadav Weiman and Luiz Aberbuj of Breaking the Silence
Moderated by Prof. Sylvia Bashevkin

‏Over 32,000 Palestinians, mostly civilians, have been killed in Gaza since the start of this war. The death of seven aid workers from World Central Kitchen on Sunday is yet another horrific example of the outcome of the IDF’s deadly rules of engagement employed in Gaza. Breaking the Silence has spent two decades collecting and studying testimonies of soldiers who served in previous Israeli campaigns in Gaza, and is now meeting soldiers from the current war. Two military doctrines — “zero risk to our forces” and the Dahiya doctrine — have shaped Israel’s rules of engagement and every other aspect of Israel’s military campaigns in Gaza since Operation Cast Lead in 2008-2009. How must Israel rethink its strategy towards the Palestinians after October 7th and is a different path possible given the unfolding devastation in Gaza?

3:45 – 4:15 pm Coffee break 
4:30 – 6:00 pm Closing Session: The Road to a Safer Shared Future for All

We know a two-state solution is necessary. But is it possible? What are the short-term and long-term steps that could lead us there? What can/should the international community do to support the process? What could Canada do and how can our Jewish community here in Canada help?

Emceed by Linda Hershkovitz

Panel discussion with Rebecca Metzer, Nadav Weiman, Mauricio Lipchik, and Dr. Gil Murciano and moderated by Gabriella Goliger

Closing remarks by Jon Allen, former Canadian Ambassador to Israel