Tamar Rechnitz, Tag Meir – Part Three

In addition to seeing people’s minds and hearts open when attending Tag Meir’s teacher trainings, what made Tamar Rechnitz happiest this year is the addition of a second staff person to the organization’s education efforts. “We decided to open two new programs and we...

Tamar Rechnitz, Tag Meir – Part Two

Four years ago, Tag Meir decided it wanted to influence children and youth through the education system, something new for them.  “Tag Meir is a kind of rapid response organization,” says Tamar Rechnitz, the organization’s education director. “Our solidarity...

Tamar Rechnitz, Tag Meir – Part One

If all of Am Yisrael (the Jewish people) could display the same tolerance and ahavat chinam (causeless love) as Tamar Rechnitz’s family, we’d be a step closer to the Messianic age.  Tamar, 37, is education director of Tag Meir (Light Tag), a coalition of 48...