For over 30 years, NIFC has supported Israel by fostering the country’s vibrant civil society and by standing up for equality and democracy for all.

Earlier this week, the announcement that the US will no longer consider Israeli settlements to be “inconsistent with international law” is a significant deviation from previous US policy, a slap in the face to human rights defenders in Israel and the West Bank, and a devastating blow for all of those who seek justice and democracy.

We are joined in our concern by the 25% of Canadian Jews who also view Israel’s settlements as illegal and 39% of Canadian Jews who view those settlements as detrimental to Israel’s security, according to findings in a recent major study.

We have watched with alarm over the past months and days as some Israeli politicians have made campaign promises to annex the occupied territories. Any unilateral annexation in the occupied territories would gravely damage Israel’s democracy.

The Canadian government’s vote at the UN should be viewed in that context and is in keeping with Canada’s long-standing principles of support for Israel’s security as well as a comprehensive, just, and lasting peace settlement.

We believe it is important for Israel’s allies around the world to send a strong message against annexation and other threats to Israel’s democracy.