The “March of the Dead” was held earlier this month in protest against the incompetence of the police in handling the significant escalation of crime in Arab neighborhoods. It was joined by NIFC project partners including the Abraham Initiatives, as well as other organizations supported by the NIF global network including Standing Together (Omdim Beyachad-Naqif Ma’an), Ajeec Nisped, and others. At least 141 members of the Arab community have been killed this year, but the government has done almost nothing in response. The march was held to protest government inaction, as well as to raise awareness around the issue in Israel. Palestinian and Jewish Israelis participated, and many participants called for greater cooperation between the communities.

The day after the march, Gadir Hani, an activist with Standing Together, wrote about how inspired he was by the protest: “The partnership with you [all] is very important to me, as a partner in the fight for democracy, equality and justice, as someone who believes in Arab-Jewish partnership.”