November 26th, 2020, is the National Day of Conversation (NDOC) about the issue of sexual harassment of fundraisers in the charitable and nonprofit sectors. This is a serious and prevalent issue in the charitable sector — one in four women in fundraising report experiencing sexual harassment while on the job. Fundraisers are in a uniquely vulnerable position as they often meet with donors, board members, and community members alone and in informal settings.

NIFC has recently taken steps to bolster its own workplace safety procedures. The Board of Directors recently passed a new sexual harassment policy.

This policy applies to all employees, volunteers, consultants, contractors, Board members, and donors. It makes explicit NIFC’s zero tolerance policy when it comes to workplace discrimination, harassment, violence, or any behaviour that creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment.

Thank you to the Human Resources Committee: Michael Kanter, Shari Novick, and Linda Sage Alexander, for your instrumental role in crafting our Human Resources policies.

To learn more about the National Day of Conversation, visit