Together, we’re changing Israel

For the last several years I’ve had the privilege of sharing a brief update of what the New Israel Fund (NIF) is accomplishing in Israel with your partnership. Each year, I’ve been proud to tell you how your support of NIF is fuelling the progressive social change movement in Israel.

As Israelis have joined together to beat back the alarming rise of right-wing nationalism and racism, NIF has been the wind at their backs. With your support, we’ve built the infrastructure of this movement from the ground up and provided critical funding to the organisations and activists who are leading the charge.

In 2020, we need to continue to build on the momentum we’ve gained this year as Israel faces a historic third election. Things are not easy in Israel right now for those of us who support equality and democracy. Too often, those in power pursue policies that stoke anger and resentment and pit Israelis against each other.

Thanks to individuals like you, every time hard-liners push Israel in the wrong direction, NIF has the strength to push back. Thanks to you, NIF encourages ordinary Israelis to become passionate, effective advocates for the values we share, at a time when those values are increasingly at risk.

With your support, we’ll continue to mobilise Israelis around the issues they care about, build a collaborative ecosystem in which activists from all parts of Israeli society work together to advance key issues, and amplify voices for equality, justice and inclusion.

Thank you for your commitment to NIF – now and for the long haul.

Mickey Gitzin
Executive Director,
New Israel Fund Israel