Legacy Gifts
Your belief in equality and democracy in Israel can live on for generations to come.
Imagine an Israel where all people are treated equally; an Israel that is democratic, vibrant, and just. In the decades ahead, achieving that vision will be NIFC’s legacy.
For over 40 years, the New Israel Fund has been the largest and most consistent investor in hundreds of grassroots organisations that today form the front line of the pro-democracy pushback in Israel — a last line of defence for a democracy that many feel is slipping away.
Join our Legacy Society and leave a legacy gift in your will to the New Israel Fund of Canada.

For more information about legacy giving, please contact:
Ben Murane, Executive Director
416-781-4322 ext. 1
Our Legacy Society
Our Legacy Society recognizes those who have included the New Israel Fund of Canada in their estate plans.
If you join our Legacy Society, you tell others the importance of making a legacy gift to Israel that matches your values.
If you choose to join, benefits include:
- Forging connections with others who share your vision of an equal, democratic Israel
for all its inhabitants. - Invitations to special Legacy Society events.
- Acknowledgment in NIF materials (except when anonymity is requested).
- An opportunity to offer a statement and family photo in our Voices of Conscience collection of statements by legacy donors about Israel’s future.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Legacy Society Members
These generous supporters have made NIFC part of their estate plans:
- Efrim Boritz and Naomi Fromstein
- Fredelle and Harold Brief
- Isser Dubinsky and Antoinette Wertman
- Joan Garson and David Baskin
- Mark Guttman and Lesley Simpson
- Maytal Kowalski
- Barbara and Sy Landau (z”l)
- Francis Landy
- Arthur Loeb
- Ben Murane and Naomi Kramer
- Allan Risk and Daniel Gelfant
- Ian Silver
- Sharon Weintraub
- Betty and Eliot Goldwarg
- Barry Schneider
- Anonymous (5)
Founders’ Circle Members
In addition to being a member of our Legacy Society, the following supporters made early and significant commitments to NIF’s global legacy campaign and thus are recognized internationally:
- Joan Garson and David Baskin
- Isser Dubinsky and Antoinette Wertman
- Barbara and Sy Landau (z”l)
- Ben Murane and Naomi Kramer
- Allan Risk and Daniel Gelfant
- Sharon Weintraub
- Mark Guttman and Lesley Simpson
- Efrim Boritz and Naomi Fromstein
Legacy Endowments
These endowment funds in support of our work have been established in loving memory of family or as lasting personal legacies:
- Allan Risk and Daniel Gelfant Foundation
- Arthur Minden Endowment Fund
- Boritz-Fromstein Fund for Human Rights
- Levy/Berenstein Endowment Fund
- Morris A. Gross Endowment Fund
- Raicus Fund
- Silk Endowment Fund
Sample Gift Language for your Will or Trust
A gift to NIFC through your will or trust enables you to support our mission and make a difference in the lives of future generations of Israelis.
A bequest:
- Is easy to arrange.
- Will not alter your current lifestyle in any way.
- Can be easily modified to address your changing needs.
Some sample language you may use is:
Option 1: Specific Amount
“My Trustee* shall pay or transfer to the N I F CANADIAN CHARITABLE TRUST (CRA # 13007 0626 RR0001) in the sum of $_______.”
Option 2: Percentage of Estate
“My Trustee* shall pay or transfer to the N I F CANADIAN CHARITABLE TRUST (CRA # 13007 0626 RR0001) ________% of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate.”
* Depending on the terminology commonly used in the province where you reside, “executor” or “liquidator” may be used instead of “trustee.”
Designated Gifts
If you are designating your gift to a specific area, please include the following language:
“If, in the opinion of the Board of Directors of the N I F CANADIAN CHARITABLE TRUST, it should become impossible, inadvisable, or impractical to use this gift for the specified purpose(s), then the Board may in their discretion use the gift to the best advantage of the Charity, keeping in mind my original wishes. In any such alternative application, the support provided by this bequest shall be clearly identified with the name of __________________.”
Got Questions?
If you or your attorney would like NIF to provide you with customized beneficiary language that is specific to your goals and interests, please contact Ben Murane, Executive Director, at ben@nifcan.org or 416-781-4322 extension 1.
Please Note: The New Israel Fund of Canada is not engaged in legal or tax advisory services. Please consult with your professional advisor as to which giving vehicle is right for you, and when creating bequests, seek drafting and counsel from an attorney.
What Legacy Gift is Right for You?
Every donor to the New Israel Fund of Canada has a unique financial and family situation and there are many ways to make a legacy gift.
Below are some of the ways that you can make a lasting impact.
Scenario 1
Your Goal: In the future, make an important impact on NIFC that doesn’t cost you anything during your lifetime.
Your Strategy: Create a bequest in your will or trust, by specifying a donation of cash or a portion or percentage of your estate.
Your Benefits: Make a lasting gift that is simple to arrange.
Scenario 2
Your Goal: In the future, leave more of your estate to your heirs while still benefiting NIFC.
Your Strategy: Name NIFC as beneficiary of your (1) RRSP/RRIP plan or (2) life insurance policy, since those assets may be taxed if left to your heirs.
Your Benefits: Making a lasting gift that is simple to arrange and at a lower cost to your heirs.
Please Note: The New Israel Fund of Canada is not engaged in legal or tax advisory services. Please consult with your professional advisor as to which giving vehicle is right for you, and when creating bequests, seek drafting and counsel from an attorney.
What Types of Legacy Gifts Do We Accept?
We encourage you to speak with us while making your plans, in order for you to enjoy certainty that your legacy wishes are sustainable by NIFC.
We welcome Legacy Gifts made in the form of:
- Naming us for a bequest in wills or living trusts
- Naming us as a beneficiary of life insurance policies
- Naming us as a beneficiary of retirement plans, such as RRSPs and RRIFs
- Gifts of stocks and securities
If you would like to gift a different type, such as real estate or other property, please contact us.
We welcome Legacy Gifts that:
- Make an immediate impact by supporting our General Fund.
- Make an immediate impact on a specific issue by designating your General Fund support to an area of our work (see below).
- Sustain our impact over decades to come by supporting our Endowment Fund.
- Sustain our impact on a specific issue by establishing or growing an endowment fund benefitting an area of our work.
- Honour a relative by establishing an endowment fund benefitting our General Fund or an area of our work.
We welcome gifts towards these approved Issue Areas:
- Jewish-Arab Shared Society
- Human and Civil Rights
- Social and Economic Justice
- Religious Pluralism
- Palestinian Citizens of Israel
- Democracy
- Women’s Rights and Gender Equality
- Minority Rights
- Canadian Education and Outreach
Learn about our Issue Areas.
We are unable to accept legacy gifts that:
- Support a specific NGO in Israel
- Support an issue not named above, without prior arrangement
- Endow permanently a specific event or project
- Endow a permanent fund smaller than $10,000 or temporary fund smaller than $5,000
Please Note: The New Israel Fund of Canada is not engaged in legal or tax advisory services. Please consult with your professional advisor as to which giving vehicle is right for you, and when creating bequests, seek drafting and counsel from an attorney.
What is your Charitable Name and Number?
Please use our legal name and CRA number in any estate planning documents:
13007 0626 RR0001
Need Help Planning Your Legacy?
Will Power is a national public education campaign designed to inspire Canadians to think differently about charitable giving, and empower them to create positive change through their Wills.
Visit willpower.ca for help about how to leave a gift, create your will, and find lawyers or advisers.

For more information about legacy giving to the New Israel Fund of Canada, please contact:
Ben Murane, Executive Director
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