Just before Passover began, we completed the cross-Canada tour of “After October 7th: Towards a Political Vision for Israel-Palestine” in Toronto, Ottawa, Vancouver, and Montreal.

Our Israeli guests – experts in foreign policy, security, and human rights – spoke before nearly 1,000 people in five days at synagogues, universities, and even Parliament Hill.

It was clear that the enormity of the task before us is real. The horrific terror attacks perpetrated by Hamas on October 7th and the ensuing Israel-Hamas war have brought anguish, pain, and despair to two nations already mired in conflict. Everyone who cares about the safety of Israelis and Palestinians must seek immediately for a more peaceful, shared future in two states living side by side.

Though the situation is dire and the threats are grave, the determination of Israeli civil society was inspiring. So many people expressed their thanks to Rebecca, Gil, Nadav, Luiz, Mauricio, and Uri for saying what needed to be said here in Canada. Their message was simple: there is a path to a shared future.

We once again thank our co-sponsors JSpace Canada, Canadian Friends of Peace Now, Temple Sholom, Ameinu Canada, Hashomer Hatzair – Camp Shomria, Camp Gesher, and Meretz Canada.

Watch all six sessions of the Toronto event, as well as the Vancouver event hosted by Temple Sholom, below.