NIFC project partner Ir Amim recently released a new analysis paper detailing the ramifications of Trump’s Plan on the future of Jerusalem.

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Update from Ir Amim:

Just a few days ago, Benny Gantz, head of the Blue and White party, reneged on his campaign promises and signed a unity government deal with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, ending over a year of political deadlock following three inconclusive elections. As part of the coalition agreement, Netanyahu is permitted to advance annexation measures of portions of the West Bank as early as July 1, 2020, in line with provisions laid out in the US Middle East Plan formally released in late January.

Under the hardships facing the nation and the world amid the Coronavirus pandemic, the decision to annex parts of the West Bank is being received with uncertainty and even indifference, both at home and abroad. However, annexation is no longer a routine discussion that can be ignored in the present as we wish for a better future. The US plan and specifically its implications concerning the realization of “Greater Jerusalem” – annexation and integration of the Maaleh Adumim, Gush Etzion, and Givat Zeev settlement blocs into one large Jerusalem metropolis – will create a new reality which will erase any lasting remnants of a shared life in Jerusalem and the hope for peace based on a fair and agreed solution to the conflict.

For the full report, click here.