Early in the morning on January 19th, hundreds of police officers surrounded the Salhiya family home in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood of East Jerusalem. They entered and arrested two dozen family members, expelled the rest, and proceeded to demolish the home. On a rainy night with near-freezing temperatures, the demolition left the Salhiya family homeless.

A number of NIFC partners have been active in opposing harmful government actions in East Jerusalem. Past partner Ir Amim has been at the forefront in advocating for an end to a broad swath of unjust policies in East Jerusalem. Ir Amim, along with other organizations and activists, were at the Salhiya home in the early hours of Wednesday morning documenting the disgraceful demolition. Yesterday, a group of organizations including NIFC project partner Breaking the Silence, as well as Peace Now and Omdim Beyachad (Standing Together), organized protests outside the homes of government leaders responsible for the demolitions.

NIFC’s partners will continue this crucial work to build a just and equitable Jerusalem for all its residents.