FakeReporter is a watchdog organization that combats malicious activity and fake news online.

During May 2021, NIFC project partner FakeReporter saw extremists and foreign powers using social media to sow fear and spark violence between Jewish and Arab citizens.

Since October 7th, FakeReporter’s team has been working around the clock to fact-check viral misinformation in real-time and shut down Jewish supremacists calling for revenge. They have also exposed efforts by foreign powers using fake accounts and bots in order to stoke violence within Israel, including fake statements by pro-democracy leaders and falsified threats of violence.

They have already debunked some of the most disturbing videos shared since the war began, including one purporting to show Israeli children in cages. Recently, FakeReporter has teamed up with members of the Israeli tech community to create “Digital Dome”, a clearinghouse for reporting harmful content that incites violence, amplifies racism, or spreads lies. Their incredible successes and expertise have been featured recently on NPR, in the Washington Post, and in the New York Times.

FakeReporter is a critical ingredient to the country-wide network of NIF partners preventing a renewal of inter-communal violence inside Israel and we are proud that this work is receiving Canadian support.