Photo credit: Gilad Kavalertchik

Earlier this month, Canadian ambassador to Israel Lisa Stadelbauer acted as host for Shatil’s graduation of their women NGO leaders project.

Shatil is the capacity-building arm of the New Israel Fund in Israel. This unique Shatil course was run for the first time this year, designed for Arab and Jewish women in middle-level positions who wish to become directors of civil society organizations. For the closing event held by Ambassador Stadelbauer, ten senior directors from civil society were invited to network with the course participants, including directors of NIFC project partners Noa Sattath (ACRI) and Michal Sela (Givat Haviva).

NIF International Board President Rachel Liel, who attended the graduation, said, “I was moved by the spirit of friendship, based on common values that the Canadian ambassador Mrs. Stadelbauer expressed when congratulating Shatil for its excellent work with women leaders.”

The Canadian embassy in Israel shared photos of the event to its Twitter page: