2022 Annual Report
Year 2022 was a year of whiplash ups and downs. We started the year applauding the first government coalition built upon Jewish-Arab partnership – and ended it preparing for Israel’s most extreme government ever. Thanks to the generous support of donors like you, we fought extremism and occupation, defended equality for women and Palestinian citizens, and invested in Israel’s defenders of democracy.
A message from NIFC’s President
The end of 2022 set off alarm bells across the world – Israel’s new government would become the most extreme in its history.
The Netanyahu coalition’s razor-thin victory swept out the previous “change government.” Noted for its strange bedfellows on the right and left and its history-making inclusion of an Arab political party, that government was fleeting and imperfect. It attempted to ignore the issues of the occupation – and ultimately collapsed when it couldn’t.
But for all its flaws, it made several major accomplishments, which were achieved thanks in part to NIFC-funded civil society. In addition to billions of shekels in more equal funding for Palestinian communities, this coalition broke the ice for more Jewish-Arab political partnership.
Last summer, we celebrated Shatil’s 40th anniversary in the presence of President Isaac Herzog. Shatil means “seedling” and is NIF’s direct-action arm that has for decades proudly trained and nurtured tens of thousands of social change activists across every part of Israeli society. As we look at today’s mass pro-democracy protests, we have ample evidence that our seedlings have sprouted in the hundreds of thousands.
We at NIFC are hard at work protecting Israeli democracy – for all and not just for some – and we owe you, our supporters, enormous thanks for your years and decades of generosity. It is appreciated now more than ever.
Linda Hershkovitz
President, New Israel Fund of Canada

42 events, 1,000 people
In 2022, we returned again to in-person events, including a cross-Canada tour showcasing inspiring Israeli activists and later our first all-Palestinian panel at the Shira Herzog Symposium, as well as continued online briefings on current events in Israel.

$1.375 million+ in funding
In 2022, we sent almost $1.4 million to organizations in Israel that fight for socio-economic equality, religious freedom, civil and human rights, shared society and anti-racism, Palestinian citizens, and democracy itself.

Fighting Extremism & Racist Incitement
As terrorism and anti-Arab incitement spiked last year, we invested in coalitions of Jewish-Arab organizations and campaigns to safeguard lives and livelihoods.

President of Israel and First Lady Attend Shatil Celebration
In June, the President of Israel, Isaac Herzog, and his wife, Michal Herzog, attended Shatil’s 40th Anniversary.
Both President Herzog and the First Lady congratulated us for exactly the values and activities that outrage our opponents. Surrounded by a hundred of NIF’s global and local leaders, they offered words of admiration for the work of NIF and our action arm, Shatil.
In his speech, President Herzog said, “Shatil has made an enormous change in Israeli society, in civil discourse, in civic discourse, in the ability to demands civil rights and to enable empowered groups to rise up to the occasion and take their place and helm in Israeli public life and demand their rights, which is enormous.”
President Herzog also spoke of our own Shira Herzog (z”l), his cousin, who was a prominent Jewish leader in Canada who championed NIFC until her passing in 2014. Both Herzog and his wife Michal spoke touchingly of Shira and the importance of Shatil’s work to her.
Over 1,000 people enjoyed our events both in-person and online in 2022.
We were excited to return to in-person events in 2022, including a cross-Canada tour and, at the 12th Annual Shira Herzog Symposium, our first all-Palestinian panel.

Thousands of Israelis Educated About the Occupation
In 2022, our project partner Breaking the Silence educated thousands of young Israelis about the human rights situation in the occupied Palestinian territories, based on information from testimonies. They ran seminars for students and members of civil society, tours to Hebron and the South Hebron Hills for university students, outreach on campuses, and publishing a new testimony booklet about the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT).

Ending the Dangerous Police Choke Hold Procedure
In March 2022, our project partner the Association of Ethiopian Jews (AEJ) won an important victory. In response to a letter sent by AEJ, in partnership with other civil society organizations including our partners ACRI and Physicians for Human Rights-Israel, to the Minister of Public Security and the Commissioner of Policy about the risks of police using a choke holds during arrests, the procedure was officially prohibited.

Combatting Gender-Based Violence
In 2022, our project partner Women Against Violence ran leadership trainings for 1,400 young Arab men and women about ending gender-based violence and promoting gender equality.

Securing Recognition for Bedouin Villages
After decades of work by our project partner Bimkom, in 2022 four villages were officially recognized by the government. Bedouin in the Negev are among the poorest and most marginalized communities in Israeli society. Over 100,000 live in “unrecognized” villages without basic services and at risk of demolition.
Legacy of Democracy
“My late husband Sy Landau and I included the New Israel Fund of Canada in our wills. This insured our commitment to a just Israel based on its founding values of human rights and democracy. What better organization than NIFC to courageously advocate for a truly shared society, with Jews and Palestinians working together for a secure and peaceful Israel.”
—Dr. Barbara Landau, Planned Giving Donor

Our Projects in 2022
Your generosity last year funded over $1 million this year towards our project partners in Israel — all registered Israeli not-for-profit organizations — fulfilling our mission to promote democracy and equality in Israel. Since our founding in 1986, we have distributed over $13 million to projects in Israel.
Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI)
Protecting Social and Economic Rights
ACRI’s pursuit of economic and social justice for all is anchored in Israel’s basic law protecting human dignity. The events of 2021 presented a unique set of challenges as the COVID-19 crisis, the consequent economic crisis, and the absence of a stable government for much of the year exacerbated the socioeconomic hardships and compromised the civil liberties of Israel’s most vulnerable populations.
This project assisted hundreds of thousands of citizens, residents and asylum seekers in Israel, mainly via affecting policies related to health, education, and vulnerable populations in the welfare system.
Association of Ethiopian Jews
Fighting Racism against and Promoting Opportunities for the Ethiopian Israeli Community
The Association for Ethiopian Jews (AEJ) is the leading Ethiopian Israeli organization that combats racism against the community. AEJ has been able to leverage the stormy protests against over-policing to register real achievements with regard to police and government actions in general. It fosters trust and mutual aid with the leaders of the community and plays a crucial role in communicating the needs and difficulties of Ethiopian-Israelis to decision-makers.
This project focusd on two priority areas. First, it addressed the use of police brutality against and profiling of Ethiopian Israelis by training police to address bias and build better relations. AEJ also worked to close inactive criminal cases that prevent Ethiopian Israelis from advancing. The second focus was to promote employment diversity by raising the number of Ethiopian-Israelis in management positions in the public and high-tech sectors.
Bimkom – Planners for Planning Rights
Assistance to Bedouin Villages in the Negev
Bimkom – Planners for Planning Rights is an Israeli non-profit organization founded in 1999 by planners and architects in order to strengthen democracy and human rights in the field of urban planning. Particularly in Israel’s Negev region, only 13 of the 45 Bedouin villages have received government recognition. Bimkom employs municipal planners, architects, engineers, and legal advisors to secure public services like water, electricity, public transportation, medical access, and more.
This project empowered and worked toward government recognition of communities in the Beer Sheva Valley, including Khirbet al-Wattan, Bir al-Hammam, Ha-Roess and others – numbering over half of the 30,000 Bedouins who live in this area.
Breaking the Silence
Educating Young People About the Occupation
Breaking the Silence is a nonprofit organization made up of veteran combatants who have served in the Israeli military since the start of the second intifada. They work to stimulate public debate about the price paid for a reality in which young soldiers rule over a civilian population and control Palestinians’ everyday lives.
The Occupation is absent from Israel’s education system. This project included work with students and educators in formal and informal educational settings, such as youth group chapters and high schools. For many of these young people, it was their first encounter with the reality of the Occupation and seeing Israel-Palestine from a human rights perspective.
Emek Shaveh
Educating about Cultural Heritage Rights in the context of the Occupation
Emek Shaveh is an Israeli NGO working to defend cultural heritage rights and to protect ancient sites as public assets that belong to members of all communities, faiths, and peoples. They work against the use of ruins of the past as political tools in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and they challenge those who use archaeological sites to dispossess disenfranchised communities.
This project allowed Emek Shaveh to expand its existing tours in Jerusalem for tour guides working in Jerusalem, schools, and the general Israeli public; created a network of tour guides that can educate the public about multi-ethnic history in the city; and made information regarding Jerusalem’s multicultural heritage more accessible.
Heschel Center for Sustainability
Sustainability Partnerships Program
The Heschel Center for Sustainability promotes sustainable values, planning and living. The Center develops and implements the vision of sustainability: a just and cohesive society, a robust and democratic economy, and a healthy and productive environment for all residents.
This project was a collaboration between the Heschel Center, A Place for Change, and the Arava Institute. Its goal was to foster strategic collaborations between several organizations that work in different fields. The program included 20+ individuals representing eight organizations and groups, included weekly meetings over nine months, and included the study of case studies of attempts to create change in Israel and around the world on issues like the climate crisis, the crisis of democracy, and more. The goal of this project was the creation of a shared multi-issue outlook and long-term collaborations between progressive organizations that work in different content fields.
Israel Hofsheet-Be Free Israel
Center for Training and New Initiatives
Israel Hofsheet is the leading grassroots and advocacy organization working on issues of religious freedom including freedom of marriage, segregation of women, LGBT rights, and other local struggles against religious coercion and towards pluralism
This project trained and mobilized members and alumni of the Israel Hofsheet community, as well as municipal leaders and aspiring parliamentary advisors. This included advanced trainings, webinars, and engagement in issues concerning religious freedom.
Physicians for Human Rights-Israel
Mobilizing the Medical Community in Israel to Promote Greater Access to Health Services for Marginalized Populations
Physicians for Human Rights-Israel (PHRI) is the only Israeli organization active in both Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories that combines the provision of medical services to those without coverage or sufficient coverage, as well as efforts to raise awareness to the basic human right to accessible healthcare. One of their goals includes promoting greater access to health services for asylum seekers and undocumented migrants living in Israel.
This project funded a position of the Head of Community Building, who managed and recruited new volunteer professionals for PHRI’s two volunteer-run clinics in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory. This project supported the humanitarian assistance that PHRI’s volunteers provide to underserved communities.
Shatil's Director of Shared Society Forum
Directors of Shared Society Forum
Shatil is the operating department of NIF in Israel. One of NIF’s priorities is to advance equality and build partnerships and mutual understanding between Jews, Arabs, and other minority groups, forging a shared society in Israel.
This project convened the directors of Israel’s leading shared society organizations and influential activists for cross-sector coordination. Member organizations included Shatil, Abraham Initiatives, aChord Center, AJEEC-NISPED, Alliance for the Future of Israel, Alliance for Middle East Peace, Arab Center for Alternative Planning, Citizens’ HQ, Givat Haviva, Hand in Hand, Israel Democracy Institute, Itach Ma’aki, Mahapach-Taghir, Wahat al-Salam / Neve Shalom, Nisan, Rabbis for Human Rights, Sikkuy, and Omdim Beyachad. The directors worked together to promote issues of common concern and ensure sector-wide coordination of diverse activities.
Shatil's Northern Health Forum
Promoting Social and Economic Equity in Israel’s Northern Periphery
Shatil is the operating department of NIF in Israel. The Shatil-coordinated Citizens’ Forum for the Promotion of Health in the Galilee (Northern Health Forum), established in 2014, works to improve healthcare outcomes in the north. It is comprised of 290 Jewish and Arab residents of the region who are medical professionals, businesspeople, government officials, media experts, lawyers, and grassroots activists.
This project aimed to improve health outcomes by mobilizing Jewish and Arab health activists and monitored implementation of recent government decisions to improve health in the Arab community.
Shatil's Consulting to Palestinian NGOs
Strengthening Palestinian-Israeli Women’s Leadership in Civil Society
Shatil is the operating department of NIF in Israel. Shatil seeks to empower Arab-Israeli NGOs to increase their effectiveness and visibility. This project will address the acute need among Palestinian women’s organizations and women NGO directors for guidance and support, in order to maximize their impact and success.
This project provided consultation and training for 3 organizations and a coalition focused on decreasing crime and violence, and provided consulting packages for four women directors.
Shatil's Forum Against the Exclusion of Women
Women’s Exclusion Forum: Fighting Gender Segregation
Shatil is the operating department of NIF in Israel. Shatil has been promoting women’s rights since its inception 40 years ago. In 2018, Shatil created the Forum against the Exclusion of Women, a coalition of 14 organizations from across the religious spectrum. The Forum coordinates the efforts of these leading Israeli organizations to combat the exclusion of women at public events, in the school system, within the army, in media, academia, and elsewhere in Israeli society.
This project expanded the Forum’s educational work into schools, as well as launched a database of gender inequality speakers, produce reports, and advance campaigns.
Tag Meir (the Light Tag Forum)
Solidarity Visits to Victims and Survivors of Racial Violence Incidents
Since 2011, Tag Meir has become renowned for its immediate response to “Price Tag” attacks and other incidents of hate crimes by sending a delegation of mixed Jewish-Arab members to visit victims and survivors. These solidarity visits are Tag Meir’s flagship activity, through which supporters can take a moral stand and say “not in our name.” Tag Meir often provides further support by fixing vandalized property, removing hateful graffiti, or connecting them with legal services. Tag Meir also developed new tools for supporting these victims online during COVID-19.
This project continued its urgent response solidarity visits as well as community solidarity events, combining online activity with in-person visits and events.
Women Against Violence
Reducing Gender-Based Violence in Arab Society
Established in the 1990s, Women Against Violence (WAV) was the first organization in Israel (and the Middle East) to address the issue of violence against Arab women. WAV established the first shelter for Palestinian-Israeli victims of domestic violence, a 24-hour Arab-Israeli crisis center/hotline, as well as other services targeted specifically to young women and girls at risk. WAV still facilitates these programs in Nazareth and throughout northern Israel. WAV also fosters cooperation between local government and civil society in their efforts to raise gender-equality awareness and develop services to protect women from violence.
This project included WAV’s community programs and youth leadership programs to educate youth, women, and the Arab sector about the problem of domestic violence.
Audited Financial Statements
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