NIFC is excited to announce the expansion of its Advisory Council by 13 new members, who join our existing 15 members. For a full list and bios, click here.

The new Advisory Council members issued the following statement:

“We are Canadian Jewish leaders who join the leadership of the New Israel Fund of Canada at this moment out of a deep concern for the future of Israel’s liberal democracy.

Israelis on the ground are tirelessly defending Israel’s founding principles against a rising tide of illiberalism and an existential threat of annexation. We believe that it is vital that supporters of a democratic Israel around the world act now to support them.

We urge every Canadian who cares for Israel’s democratic health to join us in supporting Israelis fighting for equality, religious freedom, and human rights.”

Prof. Emanuel Adler
Jon Allen
Dr. Frank Bialystok
Prof. Efrim Boritz
Prof. Robert Brym
Beverley Chernos
Esther Enkin
Prof. Gershon Hundert
Adam Kahan
Prof. Derek Penslar
Abigail Slater
Rabbi Micah Streiffer
Prof. Mira Sucharov