The pride parade in the Negev town of Mitzpe Ramon went ahead in June as planned after Israel Police withdrew its decision to reroute the event to the city’s outskirts. Israel Police backed down on its instruction to reroute the parade following a petition to the Supreme Court by NIFC project partner Israel Hofsheet (Be Free Israel) and the parade’s organizers. Justices Uzi Vogelman, Daphna Barak Erez, and Ruth Ronen reprimanded the police for citing security as the reason for forcing the parade away from the town center.

The police had originally changed the route following complaints by Rabbi Tzvi Kustiner, the head of the local yeshiva.

Israel Hofsheet Executive Director Uri Keidar said after the court victory, “Common sense has won and the march will take place in the heart of the city as it should. I thank the judges who did not allow this injustice to take place and tip my hat to the LGBTQ leadership in Mitzpe Ramon. We must never surrender to extremists. Justice will be victorious.”

Since the parade took place, Mitzpe Ramon’s LGBTQ community has been subject to intimidation — including death threats and flyers inciting violence.